Member Care for Mission Partners

What is Member Care?

Member Care is the ongoing preparation, equipping and empowering of mission partners for effective and sustainable life, ministry and work.

It includes spiritual, emotional, relational, physical and economic matters. Member Care addresses the needs of single people, couples, families and children. It seeks to empower mission partners to make healthy choices by offering ongoing training, resourcing and equipping in all these areas.

Member Care is integral to all aspects of mission and ministry including leadership, logistics, spiritual formation, and church life. It begins with selection and continues to re-entry or retirement and beyond.

Member Care at Penhurst

Guests in loungePenhurst has a heart for mission. The centre is a member of Global Connections and our staff team is committed to serving the mission community in every way possible.

Cost should never be a prohibitive factor. If your organisation or sending church is a member of Global Connections you qualify for a 10% price reduction - please contact us before payment to get the discount appliedIf you are funding your stay yourself and would struggle to pay the full amount please contact us to discuss possible bursary funding.

We are aware of the huge need for mission and ministry partners and cross cultural workers (overseas and UK) to recharge their spiritual batteries in an environment conducive to physical rest and spiritual restoration.

We are also aware of the need for debrief in a supportive, caring, neutral and unhurried setting when you return from the field.

There are retreats specifically designed for the needs of mission and ministry partners on our programme or you may wish to book an individual retreat.

When you book an individual retreat you can be assured that we will endeavour to meet your individual needs. We can arrange personal debriefing, spiritual accompaniment or simply an opportunity to rest and enjoy the healing and restorative power of God`s creation. Click here to book an individual retreat.

If you have any further questions about the services we offer to mission partners and cross cultural workers please do contact us. We would be delighted to tell you more.


Retreats and Workshops for Mission and Ministry Partners

There are several retreats and workshops that we regularly run for mission partners and full-time Christian ministry workers.  You can find the current ones here and below is a list of those you can expect to see on our programme each year:


New DirectionsThis retreat/workshop is for mission partners returning to the UK after ministry overseas or for an extended home assignment. It usually runs twice a year.

It provides an opportunity to `unpack` the transitional process and issues around adjustment in a context of group discussion, reflection and prayer within the beautiful setting of Penhurst Retreat Centre.

There is usually also an opportunity for a more in-depth one-to-one session if requested.


RUNNING THE RACE - Embracing Our Retirement Years

Retirement picThis workshop is for any full-time Christian worker preparing for retirement and the challenge of growing older.  

The workshop seeks to help those who have been involved in full-time Christian ministry (UK and overseas) prepare for retirement and the years beyond by looking at what we understand by ‘retirement’, the Biblical approach to old age, and in particular at the spirituality of ageing.

This course will be relevant to those planning for retirement within the next 5 years, or those recently retired.