Healing Encounter Days: Fri 24 May, Tues 9 July, Thurs 17 Oct, Mon 4 Nov
This message was added on 2024-04-06
Jesus said He came to heal the broken-hearted... these Healing Encounter days led by the Beauty from Ashes team, offers opportunity to engage with Jesus the Healer through worship, short talks, time for stillness and reflection, and optional one to one prayer ministry.
The individual days are as follows:
Friday 24 May - Touching the Hem of His Garment
Click here to book.
Why not extend your stay overnight to enjoy more of the peace and beauty of Penhurst? Click here for accommodation prices - we have availability for Friday 24 May night.
Tuesday 9 July - One day in Jesus` Ministry
Click here to book.
Why not extend your stay overnight to enjoy more of the peace and beauty of Penhurst? Click here for accommodation prices - availability for Monday 8 and/or Tuesday 9 July nights - if you book for Monday 8 July night, you will receive a £35 discount on the price of the day retreat.
Thursday 17 October - You Spread a Table Before Me
Click here to book.
Monday 4 November - And Jesus had Compassion on Them
Click here to book.
... or contact the office.
The Beauty from Ashes inner healing ministry was formed in 1992 by Jennifer Rees Larcombe, a pioneer of this form of ministry. Carol Bostock had years of experience with public speaking and large presentations during her years as Director of HR for a global company; trained in counselling therapies and went through Bible college. In 2012 she gave up her career to use her gifts and experience in the Lord`s service and for 10 years Carol shared in the work of Beauty From Ashes with Jen. In early 2022 Jen passed her mantle to Carol before going to Heaven later that year. Carol has spoken in many venues throughout the country and abroad at conferences and women`s events. She has a very strong teaching and prophetic anointing.