

Debriefs and Retreats for Mission and Ministry Partners

This message was added on 2024-05-17


Penhurst has always had a heart for mission and specialises in supporting mission partners, cross-cultural workers and full-time Christian workers from the UK and overseas.

One of the ways Penhurst provides support is through specific retreats for mission partners and Christian workers.  The following retreats are coming up in 2024:

22 - 26 July:  Restore, Refresh, Recharge! For Mission & Ministry.  An opportunity to lean back into the Lord - meet him where we are and receive his love, grace and strength as we continue our journey with him. We will reflect on our connectedness to Jesus, our receptivity and our capacity to engage with him and his call for our lives.

29 July - 2 August:  Refilling Whilst We Pour Out - Staying Sustainable In ServiceDo you sometimes feel like you are pouring out of an empty cup? Well, this is an opportunity to refuel and refresh. The retreat is for people who work in Christian charities, missions, ministries or churches and also those in caring professions and roles such as medics, teachers, social workers and parents - people who spend their lives pouring out to others and sometimes forget to look after themselves.

27 - 30 August: Running the Race - Embracing our retirement years.  Helping those in full-time Christian ministry (UK and overseas) prepare for retirement and the years beyond.  It will look at what we understand by `retirement`, the Biblical approach to old age, and in particular at the spirituality of ageing.  The retreat will help planning for retirement within the next 5 years, or in the first year or two after leaving their main ministry, to refocus their lives on discovering how God has plans for them in this next season of life.

19 - 22 September:  Behold Your GodIsaiah is packed with good things! Not only is it full of Jesus, with many passages pointing to him at the Servant of the Lord and coming Messiah, but it also calls us to enlarge our view of God so that we see him as the Sovereign Lord whose purposes are being worked out despite the opposition of the nations. As we read his beautiful words, hope rises within us as we are reminded that `the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea (11:9).`

24 September:  Pastoral Open Day for Pastoral Leaders, Spiritual Directors And Christian Counsellors.  A `taste and see` day for pastoral leaders, Spiritual Directors and Christian Counsellors. An opportunity to experience what this very special retreat centre has to offer - good food, beautiful surroundings, a `thin place` to meet with God. Come and experience this unique resource for yourself and those in your ministry setting to come and be refreshed, renewed and restored. The day will include a tour of the house, gardens and grounds, a guided walk and a guest speaker.  Free of charge but booking essential.

4 - 6 October: Mission Debrief - Families.  Space for mission families to receive a debrief over several days, with space for reflection and rest.  There will be joint family sessions and then sessions for the children and parents separately too.

15 October:  Mission Open Day for Mission Organisations, Church Mission Teams or Mission Partners.  A `taste and see` day for overseas mission organisations, church mission teams and/or mission partners. An opportunity to experience what this very special retreat centre has to offer - good food, beautiful surroundings, a `thin place` to meet with God. Come and experience this unique resource for yourself and those you are responsible for in your ministry setting to come and be refreshed, renewed and restored. The day will include a tour of the house, gardens and grounds, a guided walk and a guest speaker.  Free of charge but booking essential.

18 - 21 November: New Directions.  For full-time Christian workers returning to the UK after overseas ministry or for an extended home assignment.  An opportunity to `unpack` the transition process and issues around adjustment in a context of group discussion, reflection and prayer within the beautiful setting of the retreat centre.


***** 10% discount applies if your organisation is a member of GLOBAL CONNECTIONS. If you are funding your stay yourself and would struggle to pay the full amount please contact us to discuss possible bursary funding *****


See our full programme for further details and book online or contact the office on or +44 (0)1424 892088.

The centre is not affiliated to a specific church or agency.
