
January 2025

17 - 19 January
Friday - Sunday

I Can`t, God Can

Leader: Mandy Callf

Often on our Christian journey we are in the driving seat, route all planned, provisions for the journey made. But then life happens. an unexpected curve ball stops us in our tracks. `I can`t do this`, is the deep cry of our hearts. This retreat explores how we can let go of striving and struggling and open up to what God can do.

Residential price: £270.00
Non-residential price: £175.00

20 - 24 January
Monday - Friday

Penhurst Family Week

Leader: The Penhurst team

For members of the Penhurst Family, join us at the start of the year to learn about how you can pray for and support us throughout the year while enjoying peaceful time away with God. Come and stay at a special discounted rate of £85 pppn. Join the team for daily prayer, led walks and games around the fireplace.

Residential price: TBC
Non-residential price: TBC

February 2025

3 - 7 February
Monday - Friday

Space to Rest

Leader: Ruth Traynar

A week set aside for rest and spending time with God. Book in for the whole week or just a couple of nights. Ruth will host a short prompt morning and evening with time to chat around the fire after supper. An ideal time for anyone wanting to be with God in a loosely structured way with time for accompaniment available. Contact us in the office if you just want to book one or two nights instead of the whole week.

Residential price: £490.00
Non-residential price: £295.00

10 - 13 February
Monday - Thursday

Grace Space

Leader: Jack and Sandra Telfer

Step aside to be with the God of all grace, to meet with him where we really are and receive the deep refreshment only he can give. The retreat will include guided sessions, space for individual reflection and prayer and the opportunity for one to one prayer.

Residential price: £395.00
Non-residential price: £245.00

17 - 21 February
Monday - Friday

Valley Paths

Leader: Gill Hancock

We all go through difficult experiences in life (the death of a loved one, doubts, fears, depression, trauma, ongoing physical pain, past mistakes holding us back to name but a few). The temptation can be to `grit our teeth` to try and get through, pick ourselves up and carry on without giving ourselves time or permission to work through any emotional, spiritual or mental impact the crisis might have left us with. This course enables us to take time with God, reflect on past events, seek a better understanding and go deeper with him, gaining new layers of healing.

Residential price: £490.00
Non-residential price: £295.00

24 February

Prayer Shawl Workshop

Leader: Vicki Cottingham

Come together to either crochet or knit a prayer shawl, which will be created prayerfully, spending time praying for those who will receive them. Whilst the prayer shawl is our gift to someone else, we will also experience blessing as we take time out to create, pray and spend the day together. Please bring your own yarn, crochet hook or knitting needles. If you don`t have your own, please let us know when you book your place. The day is suitable for both experienced and less experienced crocheters/knitters and will include spiritual reflection as well as time creating together.

Residential option is not available
Non-residential price: £45.00

24 - 27 February
Monday - Thursday

Singles and Couples Debrief

Leaders: Wania Honman and Sandie Reeves

An opportunity for mission partners to process their transitions to the UK. Come and enjoy the peace and tranquillity of the retreat centre as part of your home assignment or re-entry to the UK. There will be a mix of group work and individual debrief sessions.

Residential price: £395.00
Non-residential price: £245.00

28 Feb - 2 March
Friday - Sunday

Who am I in God?

Leader: Brigid Main

In the beauty of Penhurst take time out to explore the themes of roots, place and creation in our spiritual exploration of `who am I in God`? The great Irish teacher John Scotus Eriugena taught that God speaks to us through two books. One is the little book, he says, the book of scripture, physically little. The other is the big book, the book of creation, vast as the universe... Using ideas from Celtic, Maori and Aboriginal spirituality we will explore the two books through which God speaks to us.

Residential price: £270.00
Non-residential price: £175.00

March 2025

3 March

Day of Prayer for Mission

Do you have a heart for the nations or do you know mission workers who need prayer support? Come and join us for a day of prayer for the worldwide mission community. No charge but donations towards a light lunch would be appreciated.

Residential option is not available
Non-residential price: TBC

7 - 9 March
Friday - Sunday

Praying in and Out

Leader: Val Freeman

To live well we need to be good both at breathing in and breathing out! And our life with God is the same. But it`s very human for us to over-focus on either praying in or praying out. This retreat looks at prayer in a broad sense and opens opportunity to find more balance in our life with God. We`ll explore how to receive from God as well as expressing ourselves to God; how to rest in as well as serving our loving Creator. There will be some times of silence together as well as plenty of time for personal devotion. Suggestions for how to use this time will be given but you will be encouraged to find your own language and way of being with God. Activities will include an ocean meditation, Lectio Divina, various breathing prayers, engaging with nature, journalling and the examen. So come, and breathe, and pray... both in and out! This retreat will be "lightly guided" by Val i.e. there will be plenty of time for rest and for personal time with God.

Residential price: £270.00
Non-residential price: £175.00

10 March

Disordered Eating

Leader: Shirley Skrentny

This day provides an opportunity to explore the subject of over-eating, often a source of shame in our lives. It will include biblical teaching about food and eating as well as uncovering common reasons for over-eating and looking at ways forward. There will be opportunities to speak about your own experience in a supportive and safe environment with time for personal reflection.

Residential option is not available
Non-residential price: £45.00

13 March

The Velveteen Rabbit or How Toys Become Real

Leader: Roger Hagon

Using Margery Williams` enchanting story for children of all ages we will explore themes of kindness, sadness and deeper issues such as becoming real, fear, loneliness, love, desire and transformation. There will be time to listen to the story, space for quiet reflection and the opportunity to share together.

Residential option is not available
Non-residential price: £45.00

17 March

Pilgrims of Hope

Leader: Fiona Bower

An invitation to journey together towards a future based on hope, love, mercy and friendship. Taking inspiration from Psalm 84:5 `Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage` we will explore the calling to be pilgrims in a world where many are in crisis and the example of hope and peace we can bring through the way we walk with God along the journey of our lives.

Residential option is not available
Non-residential price: £45.00

21 - 23 March
Friday - Sunday

Crossroads Retreat

Leaders: Jacqui Zanetti and Mary Monfries

`Stand at the crossroads and look. Look for the ancient paths. Ask where the good way is and walk in it and you will find rest for your soul.` Facilitated by two experienced coaches this retreat provides a unique space for people at a crossroads in life to pause, step back and reflect on where they are, the questions they find themselves in, what they really want and to how take steps forward.

Residential price: £270.00
Non-residential option is not available

April 2025

3 - 6 April
Thursday - Sunday

Retiring Well

Leader: Helen Calder

A return of this popular retreat, aimed at those who have retired in the past year or are planning to do so in the next couple of years. Retirement is a time of significant change and this retreat helps work through key issues such as leaving work well, exploring your calling in retirement, identity, supporting others and yourself and pacing life. The retreat is suitable for those in secular work or Christian ministry.

Residential price: £395.00
Non-residential price: £245.00

7 April

Deeper into God`s Heart, A Renewal Day

Leaders: Marilyn Baker and Tracy Williamson

Blind singer/songwriter Marilyn and her ministry partner Tracy would love you to join them for a powerful day of worship, teaching and time to encounter the God of love. Marilyn`s songs will draw you into His presence and all that she and Tracy share will inspire and encourage you. There will be the opportunity to let go of hurts and burdens and to listen for God`s healing voice. Additional donations welcome on the day towards Marilyn and Tracy`s Ministry.

Residential option is not available
Non-residential price: £15.00

10 - 13 April
Thursday - Sunday

Knowing You Jesus

Leader: Tony and Jilly Horsfall

A retreat for those in Christian ministry at home or abroad. This retreat is built around the famous prayer of Richard of Chichester which expresses his desire to know Jesus more fully in the beautiful words: `to see you more clearly, love you more dearly and follow you more nearly.` Hopefully this reflects the longing of every follower of Jesus, and by spending time in the gospel narratives we can immerse ourselves in his life so that by being with him we become like him and learn to do what he would do. There will be times for worship, personal reflection and personal accompaniment if desired. We will be using material from the book `Knowing You, Jesus` (BRF 2023) copies of which will be available at a discount price of £15 at the retreat. Tony & Jilly Horsfall

Residential price: £425.00
Non-residential option is not available

25 - 27 April
Friday - Sunday

Divorce Recovery Workshop

Have you been through divorce or separation; has your relationship irretrievably broken down; are you asking yourself why it all happened? Struggling with the trauma, feeling rejected, that nobody understands? At whatever stage of separation and divorce you find yourself, this workshop helps you make some sense of it all and find ways of moving forward.

Residential price: £270.00
Non-residential price: £175.00

May 2025

9 - 11 May
Friday - Sunday

Reigniting Your Creative Spark

Leaders: Val Freeman and Dan Freeman

If God is the Great Creator and we are made in God`s image, why is being creative sometimes so hard? Why is any sort of creative expression so difficult to prioritise and protect? How do we cope with doubt and self criticism in our artistic life? We will look together at the spirituality of using our unique creativity and how to revive it when it`s gone cold, whether for a few weeks or for many years.

Residential price: £270.00
Non-residential price: £175.00

12 May

Creativity, Contemplation, Connection

Leader: Rachel Kiley

Photographer and creativity specialist, Rachel, will gently guide participants through the day, which will include morning reflections and a contemplative smartphone photography walk. There will also be opportunities for creative writing, mark making, silence, self-reflection and sharing together, as we gently connect with our creative selves and new ways of seeing and engaging with the world around us.

Residential option is not available
Non-residential price: £45.00

16 May

Quiet Garden Day

Leader: Jay Ashworth

Step aside from the busyness of life and into the peace and beauty of this place for a day of reflection and refreshment. The day will be mostly self-guided but will start and end with a reflective prayer time. You will be able to use the art room, summer houses and prayer labyrinth in the orchard. Resources and suggestions for prayer walks and reflections will be available along with refreshments during the day. Please bring your own packed lunch.

Residential option is not available
Non-residential price: £25.00

17 - 23 May
Saturday - Friday

6 Night Silent Individually Guided Retreat

Leaders: Maureen Stringer and Chris Doust

Come and deepen your relationship with God on this silent individually guided retreat (IGR). You will have the time and opportunity to pay attention to God and be more aware of his work in your life, to pray and reflect on your life and to consider any decisions you have to make and priorities you want to set.

Residential price: £690.00
Non-residential option is not available

17 - 25 May
Saturday - Sunday

8 Night Silent IGR *Fully Booked*

Leaders: Maureen Stringer and Chris Doust

Come and deepen your relationship with God on this silent individually guided retreat (IGR). You will have the time and opportunity to pay attention to God and be more aware of his work in your life, to pray and reflect on your life and to consider any decisions you have to make and priorities you want to set.

Residential option is not available
Non-residential option is not available

June 2025

2 June

Day of Prayer for Mission

Do you have a heart for the nations or do you know mission workers who need prayer support? Come and join us for a day of prayer for the worldwide mission community. No charge but donations towards a light lunch would be appreciated.

Residential option is not available
Non-residential price: TBC

2 - 5 June
Monday - Thursday

New Directions

Leader: Jack and Sandra Telfer

This retreat is for mission partners who have returned to live in the UK or are back for an extended home assignment. The focus will be on helping `unpack` and understand the process of transition and change that is involved in re-entry and to provide support strategies to process the many challenges.

Residential price: £395.00
Non-residential price: £245.00

9 - 13 June
Monday - Friday

Silent Individually Guided Retreat

Leader: Dawn Pointing

This individually guided retreat (IGR) will be a silent retreat, giving you opportunity for solitude and time to really land, reflect and pray. You will have the opportunity to meet an experienced spiritual director and retreat guide, each day, who will also lead a short morning and evening time of meditation and prayer to bookend each day. There will be plenty of resources available for contemplative and creative prayer and reflection.

Residential price: £490.00
Non-residential price: £295.00

23 - 26 June
Monday - Thursday

Invitations in the Wilderness

Leader: Mags Duggan

This is a retreat for those in vocational ministry or mission. It`s inevitable. A given. No child of God gets a free pass - including those called to minister in his name. We will all spend time in the wilderness. The wilderness is not a comfortable place; it can be a place of disorientation, of questioning, of distress and doubts. It is the place where we come face to face with the reality of our humanity; our limitations, our fears, our weaknesses and our temptations. And yet the wilderness is also the place where we are invited to encounter and embrace God`s presence and purposes for us in ever more profound ways. We are invited into a growing intimacy with God and a greater likeness to Jesus. In our time together we will draw from the Scriptures to explore the invitations which God holds out to us in the harder seasons of our lives - our wilderness days - and the lessons which the wilderness offers us which can shape our lives and ministries. Each teaching session will be followed by a time for personal reflection and prayer. There will be plenty of space for solitude and quiet, and an opportunity for spiritual direction if desired.

Residential price: £395.00
Non-residential price: £245.00

30 Jun - 4 July
Monday - Friday

Restore, Refresh, Recharge

Leader: Jack and Sandra Telfer

A retreat for mission and ministry partners. An opportunity to lean back into the Lord, meet him where we are and receive his love, grace and strength as we continue our journey with him. We will reflect on our connectedness to Jesus, our receptivity and our capacity to engage with him and his call for our lives.

Residential price: £490.00
Non-residential price: £295.00

July 2025

11 - 13 July
Friday - Sunday

Wellbeing Weekend 1

Leader: Jason and Vicki Cottingham

A wellbeing weekend offers a safe and supportive space for people who feel or have felt overwhelmed, providing tools for self-management in a facilitated peer mentoring style setting. This weekend will cover subjects of anxiety, depression, disappointment and loss. The sessions include group and individual activities designed to help participants accept themselves, understand their value and worth and grow towards a more resilient and hopeful future. This is the first of three Wellbeing Weekends. Each one will look at different subjects concerning our wellbeing. You are welcome to attend one, any or all of the weekends.

Residential price: £270.00
Non-residential price: £175.00

14 - 18 July
Monday - Friday

Watercolour Painting Retreat

Leader: Viv Walkington

Explore the surprising, and often unpredictable technique of `Wet in Wet` Watercolour painting, here in the beauty and tranquility of Penhurst. It`s a great way to be experimental with your compositions and any landscape, still life, or portrait will undergo transformation with this varied, and bold technique. With practice, you will master soft edges, interesting skies, and patterns that loosely suggest form in a semi abstract way, it is perfect for expressing quickly changing light, a special moment in time, and your excitement about what you see before you.

Residential price: £490.00
Non-residential price: £295.00

21 - 25 July
Monday - Friday

4 Night Silent Ignatian Guided Retreat

Leaders: Susan Oakes and Mandy Callf

Come and deepen your relationship with God on this silent individually guided retreat (IGR). You will have the time and opportunity to pay attention to God and be more aware of his work in your life, to pray and reflect on your life and to consider any decisions you have to make and priorities you want to set.

Residential price: £490.00
Non-residential option is not available

August 2025

4 - 8 August
Monday - Friday

Refilling Whilst We Pour Out

Leader: Hilary Murdoch

Do you sometimes feel as if you are pouring out of an empty cup? Well, this is an opportunity to refuel and refresh. The retreat is for anyone working in Christian charities, missions, ministries or churches and also those in caring professions and roles such as medics, teachers, social workers and parents. Anyone who spends their life pouring out to others and sometimes forgets to look after themselves.

Residential price: £490.00
Non-residential price: £295.00

18 - 22 August
Monday - Friday

Healing Life`s Wounds

Leader: Pat Marsh

A gentle retreat offering rest, refreshment and healing. Drawing on themes from Pat`s latest book we will take a tender look at the emotional wounds underlying our struggles and discover that they don`t have to become a barrier to living life in all its fullness. Combining practical exercises with image, symbolism and guided scriptural meditations, we will explore how to find healing and wholeness with Jesus. There will be times of rest and stillness and optional one-to-one ministry.

Residential price: £490.00
Non-residential price: £295.00

27 - 30 August
Wednesday - Saturday

Running the Race

Leaders: Anne de Reybekilll and Evan Winter

This course is intended to help those who have been involved in full-time Christian ministry (UK and overseas) prepare for retirement and the years beyond. It will look at what we understand by `retirement`, the Biblical approach to old age and in particular the spirituality of ageing.

Residential price: £395.00
Non-residential price: £245.00

September 2025

1 September

Day of Prayer for Mission

Do you have a heart for the nations or do you know mission workers who need prayer support? Come and join us for a day of prayer for the worldwide mission community. No charge but donations towards a light lunch would be appreciated.

Residential option is not available
Non-residential price: TBC

4 - 7 September
Thursday - Sunday

Knowing You, Jesus

Leader: Tony and Jilly Horsfall

This retreat is built around the famous prayer of Richard of Chichester which expresses his desire to know Jesus more fully in the beautiful words: `to see you more clearly, love you more dearly and follow you more nearly.` Hopefully this reflects the longing of every follower of Jesus, and by spending time in the gospel narratives we can immerse ourselves in his life so that by being with him we become like him and learn to do what he would do. There will be times for worship, personal reflection and personal accompaniment if desired. We will be using material from the book `Knowing You, Jesus` (BRF 2023) copies of which will be available at a discount price of £15 at the retreat. Tony & Jilly Horsfall

Residential price: £425.00
Non-residential option is not available

12 - 14 September
Friday - Sunday

Well-Being Weekend 2

Leader: Jason and Vicki Cottingham

A wellbeing weekend offers a safe and supportive space for people who feel or have felt overwhelmed, providing tools for self-management in a facilitated peer mentoring style setting. This weekend will cover subjects of perfectionism, shame and anger. The sessions include group and individual activities designed to help participants accept themselves, understand their value and worth and grow towards a more resilient and hopeful future. This is the second of three Wellbeing Weekends. Each one will look at different subjects concerning our wellbeing. You are welcome to attend one, any or all of the weekends.

Residential price: £270.00
Non-residential price: £175.00

15 September

Daring to Talk About Grief

Leader: Shirley Skrentny

A space for you to connect with your grief in a supportive environment. The day includes input about common themes of the grieving process, opportunities to speak about your own experience in a small and safe group and time for quiet reflection.

Residential option is not available
Non-residential price: £45.00

23 September

Prayer Shawl Workshop

Leader: Vicki Cottingham

Come together to either crochet or knit a prayer shawl, which will be created prayerfully, spending time praying for those who will receive them. Whilst the prayer shawl is our gift to someone else, we will also experience blessing as we take time out to create, pray and spend the day together. Please bring your own yarn, crochet hook or knitting needles. If you don`t have your own, please let us know when you book your place. The day is suitable for both experienced and less experienced crocheters/knitters and will include spiritual reflection as well as time creating together.

Residential option is not available
Non-residential price: £45.00

25 September

Quiet Garden Day

Leader: Jay Ashworth

Step aside from the busyness of life and into the peace and beauty of this place for a day of reflection and refreshment. The day will be mostly self-guided but will start and end with a reflective prayer time. You will be able to use the art room, summer houses and prayer labyrinth in the orchard. Resources and suggestions for prayer walks and reflections will be available along with refreshments during the day. Please bring your own packed lunch.

Residential option is not available
Non-residential price: £25.00

29 Sep - 5 October
Monday - Sunday

6 Night Silent IGR

Leaders: Maureen Stringer and Chris Doust

Come and deepen your relationship with God on this silent individually guided retreat (IGR). You will have the time and opportunity to pay attention to God and be more aware of his work in your life, to pray and reflect on your life and to consider any decisions you have to make and priorities you want to set.

Residential price: £690.00
Non-residential option is not available

October 2025

6 October

Deeper into God`s Heart, A Renewal Day

Leaders: Marilyn Baker and Tracy Williamson

Blind singer/songwriter Marilyn and her ministry partner Tracy would love you to join them for a powerful day of worship, teaching and time to encounter the God of love. Marilyn`s songs will draw you into His presence and all that she and Tracy share will inspire and encourage you. There will be the opportunity to let go of hurts and burdens and to listen for God`s healing voice.

Residential option is not available
Non-residential price: £15.00

10 - 12 October
Friday - Sunday

Crossroads Retreat

Leaders: Jacqui Zanetti and Mary Monfries

`Stand at the crossroads and look. Look for the ancient paths. Ask where the good way is and walk in it and you will find rest for your soul.` Facilitated by two experienced coaches this retreat provides a unique space for people at a crossroads in life to pause, step back and reflect on where they are, the questions they find themselves in, what they really want and to how take steps forward.

Residential price: £270.00
Non-residential option is not available

17 - 19 October
Friday - Sunday

Divorce Recovery Weekend

Leader: Mandy Callf

Have you been through divorce or separation; has your relationship irretrievably broken down; are you asking yourself why it all happened? Struggling with the trauma, feeling rejected, that nobody understands? At whatever stage of separation and divorce you find yourself, this workshop helps you make some sense of it all and find ways of moving forward.

Residential price: £270.00
Non-residential option is not available

20 October

Pilgrims of Hope

Leader: Fiona Bower

An invitation to journey together towards a future based on hope, love, mercy and friendship. Taking inspiration from Psalm 84:5 `Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage` we will explore the calling to be pilgrims in a world where many are in crisis and the example of hope and peace we can bring through the way we walk with God along the journey of our lives.

Residential option is not available
Non-residential price: £45.00

27 - 31 October
Monday - Friday

4 Night Silent Ignatian Guided Retreat

Leader: Dilys Threshie

Come and deepen your relationship with God on this silent individually guided retreat (IGR). An IGR offers you the time and opportunity to pay attention to God and to be more aware of his work in your life. It also gives the space to pray and reflect on your life, to consider the decisions you have to make and the priorities you want to set.

Residential price: £490.00
Non-residential price: £295.00

November 2025

3 November

Creativity, Contemplation, Connection

Leader: Rachel Kiley

Photographer and creativity specialist, Rachel, will gently guide participants through the day, which will include morning reflections and a contemplative smartphone photography walk. There will also be opportunities for creative writing, mark making, silence, self-reflection and sharing together, as we gently connect with our creative selves and new ways of seeing and engaging with the world around us.

Residential option is not available
Non-residential price: £45.00

7 - 9 November
Friday - Sunday

Well Being Weekend 3

Leader: Jason and Vicki Cottingham

A wellbeing weekend offers a safe and supportive space for people who feel or have felt overwhelmed, providing tools for self-management in a facilitated peer mentoring style setting. This weekend will cover subjects of forgiveness, self-acceptance and healthy relationships. The sessions include group and individual activities designed to help participants accept themselves, understand their value and worth and grow towards a more resilient and hopeful future. This is the third of three Wellbeing Weekends. Each one will look at different subjects concerning our wellbeing. You are welcome to attend one, any or all of the weekends.

Residential price: £270.00
Non-residential price: £175.00

14 - 16 November
Friday - Sunday

Living in Christ

Leader: Amy Boucher Pye

The apostle Paul experienced a complete turnabout on the Damascus Road. How can we emulate him in `putting on Christ` - that is, how do we leave our old selves behind as we take on the new? We`ll explore some of the rich wisdom of Paul`s letter to the Colossians with plenty of time to engage in prayer exercises to encounter God. Feel refreshed, challenged and equipped to live each new day with Jesus.

Residential price: £270.00
Non-residential price: £175.00

December 2025

1 December

Day of Prayer for Mission

Do you have a heart for the nations or do you know mission workers who need prayer support? Come and join us for a day of prayer for the worldwide mission community. No charge but donations towards a light lunch would be appreciated.

Residential option is not available
Non-residential option is not available

1 - 5 December
Monday - Friday

Space to Rest

Leader: Ruth Traynar

A week set aside for rest and spending time with God. Book in for the whole week or just a couple of nights. Ruth will host a short prompt morning and evening with time to chat around the fire after supper. An ideal time for anyone wanting to be with God in a loosely structured way with time for accompaniment available. Contact us in the office if you just want to stay for one or two nights.

Residential price: £490.00
Non-residential price: £295.00

8 - 12 December
Monday - Friday

Painting the Story of Mary

Leader: Carol Morgan

We will dwell in the story of Mary, mother of Jesus using drawings and watercolour to describe and listen more deeply to the events that mean the most to us. No artistic skill required, it is about encountering the story and allowing it to become prayer.

Residential price: £490.00
Non-residential option is not available