
Jonah - The Depth Of God`s Grace

This retreat has already started, if you would still like to take part then please contact us.

`Jonah and the Whale` could easily be viewed as a fairy tale or a fantasy - something that sits outside the main thrust of the Old Testament. But of course, it isn`t! It speaks of a sovereign God, who is rich in mercy, whose compassionate love for the lost then, remains the same today. Join us as we `plumb the depths` of this short but significant Old Testament book.

Why not extend your stay overnight to enjoy more of the peace and beauty of Penhurst? See for accommodation prices - book to arrive from Wednesday 12 June onwards for a few extra days, or on the Thursday afternoon for one night and receive a £35 discount on the price of the day rereat.

If you wish to stay longer, or start your stay earlier, please contact us about availability.
