
Valley Paths

  • Leader: Gill Hancock
  • Start Date: Monday 17th February, 16:00
  • End Date: Friday 21st February, 14:00
  • Residential Price: £ 490.00 per person
  • Non-Residential Price: £ 295.00 per person

Residential Stay

Room required:
Number of guests:
Duration of stay: nights
Price for Residential booking: £490

Non-Residential Stay

Number of guests:
Price: £295

We all go through difficult experiences in life (the death of a loved one, doubts, fears, depression, trauma, ongoing physical pain, past mistakes holding us back to name but a few). The temptation can be to `grit our teeth` to try and get through, pick ourselves up and carry on without giving ourselves time or permission to work through any emotional, spiritual or mental impact the crisis might have left us with. This course enables us to take time with God, reflect on past events, seek a better understanding and go deeper with him, gaining new layers of healing.

If you wish to stay longer, or start your stay earlier, please contact us about availability.
