Retreat Leaders

Mags Duggan

Mags Duggan

Soul Friend, Teacher, Missionary, Leadership Trainer, Retreat Guide. At various times in her life Mags has been all of the above often at the same time! After 20 plus years working with the Navigators in East Asia, Hong Kong and Taiwan, Mags returned home and spent a number of years on the faculty of Redcliffe College in Gloucester where she lectured in two areas she is passionate about - Spiritual Formation and Soul Care. She is currently engaged in providing pastoral care and spiritual nurture for a diverse group of cross-cultural missionaries and ministry leaders both here in the UK and overseas. Mags perfect day would include hanging out with good friends, canoeing on a lake, reading through a pile of quality detective fiction, sharing good coffee/ good wine/ good food/ over even better conversation, a short walk, watching the sun set over water, and ending the day drinking hot chocolate around the dying embers of a log fire whilst listening to choral music. She says she is blessed to have had many of these perfect days over the years!

Retreats led by Mags Duggan

June 2025

23 - 26 June
Monday - Thursday

Invitations in the Wilderness

This is a retreat for those in vocational ministry or mission. It`s inevitable. A given. No child of God gets a free pass - including those called to minister in his name. We will all spend time in the wilderness. The wilderness is not a comfortable place; it can be a place of disorientation, of questioning, of distress and doubts. It is the place where we come face to face with the reality of our humanity; our limitations, our fears, our weaknesses and our temptations. And yet the wilderness is also the place where we are invited to encounter and embrace God`s presence and purposes for us in ever more profound ways. We are invited into a growing intimacy with God and a greater likeness to Jesus. In our time together we will draw from the Scriptures to explore the invitations which God holds out to us in the harder seasons of our lives - our wilderness days - and the lessons which the wilderness offers us which can shape our lives and ministries. Each teaching session will be followed by a time for personal reflection and prayer. There will be plenty of space for solitude and quiet, and an opportunity for spiritual direction if desired.

Residential price: £395.00
Non-residential price: £245.00