Val Freeman
Val is a fellow pilgrim who enjoys making a way for people to connect with God. She loves creative expression, walking and dawdling in nature, caring for the planet, joining in acts of social justice and eating with loved ones. She works as a counsellor and is currently writing her second novel.
Retreats led by Val Freeman
March 2025
Friday - Sunday
Praying in and Out
To live well we need to be good both at breathing in and breathing out! And our life with God is the same. But it`s very human for us to over-focus on either praying in or praying out. This retreat looks at prayer in a broad sense and opens opportunity to find more balance in our life with God. We`ll explore how to receive from God as well as expressing ourselves to God; how to rest in as well as serving our loving Creator. There will be some times of silence together as well as plenty of time for personal devotion. Suggestions for how to use this time will be given but you will be encouraged to find your own language and way of being with God. Activities will include an ocean meditation, Lectio Divina, various breathing prayers, engaging with nature, journalling and the examen. So come, and breathe, and pray... both in and out! This retreat will be "lightly guided" by Val i.e. there will be plenty of time for rest and for personal time with God.
Residential price: £270.00
Non-residential price: £175.00
May 2025
Friday - Sunday
Reigniting Your Creative Spark
If God is the Great Creator and we are made in God`s image, why is being creative sometimes so hard? Why is any sort of creative expression so difficult to prioritise and protect? How do we cope with doubt and self criticism in our artistic life? We will look together at the spirituality of using our unique creativity and how to revive it when it`s gone cold, whether for a few weeks or for many years.
Residential price: £270.00
Non-residential price: £175.00