Retreat Leaders

Amy Boucher Pye

Amy Boucher Pye

Amy Boucher Pye is a writer, speaker, and spiritual director. She`s the author of six books, including 7 Ways to Pray, Transforming Love, the award-winning Finding Myself in Britain (Authentic Media, 2015) and The Living Cross (BRF, 2016). She writes devotional thoughts for the globally recognized Our Daily Bread as well New Daylight and Inspiring Women Every Day. She runs the Woman Alive book club, connecting readers with great books, and holds an MA in Christian spirituality from Heythrop College, University of London (2017). A sought-after retreat leader and speaker, Amy leads retreats, speaks to church groups and enjoys radio interviews. Find her at

Retreats led by Amy Boucher Pye

November 2025

14 - 16 November
Friday - Sunday

Living in Christ

The apostle Paul experienced a complete turnabout on the Damascus Road. How can we emulate him in `putting on Christ` - that is, how do we leave our old selves behind as we take on the new? We`ll explore some of the rich wisdom of Paul`s letter to the Colossians with plenty of time to engage in prayer exercises to encounter God. Feel refreshed, challenged and equipped to live each new day with Jesus.

Residential price: £270.00
Non-residential price: £175.00